As opposed to typical analytics, when keyword reports are generated and manual tagging and classification is needed to spot whether your agents are following the scripts and refraining from using inappropriate words or statements, Callision Magic QA picks up the overall tone of the conversation, whether it deviates from the norms, and whether the customer was satisfied by the outcome of that interaction.

Step 1:

Enable call recording, transcription, and tone analysis in your Callision CCaaS.

Step 2:

Receive automated email notifications about upset customers, unprofessional employees, and interactions that require attention.

Step 3:

Increase sales and customer satisfaction.

Want to know more about Callision?

Magic QA

One of biggest challenges in operating a contact center is the matter of quality of service.

Callision’s AI-powered “Magic QA” tool allows companies to focus their quality assurance resources on problematic interactions instead of listening every single call to achieve any substantial level of accuracy.

Bird’s Eye View

Monitor call activity and have the ability to shape it in real time. See the types of calls employees are on, monitor conference presence, keep track of queue calls on hold, and get abandoned call notifications. Yes, Callision is that cool!

Need help getting up and running? Schedule a 30-minute commitment-free review of your telephony needs and our capabilities. Our experts will be able to pinpoint ways in which you can substantially increase the productivity of your call center with little to no effort on your part.